Friends and acquaintances repeatedly ask why do you keep returning to Norfolk Island , why not go somewhere that you haven’t been before?
Before we leave the airport we realise that we are back in the real world – coins have to be found before the car can leave the carpark, and we head off down the highway to Burnie 40 minutes away.
As we approach the towns we are stopped by red traffic lights which have a valuable purpose but we are so unused to them after four weeks away.
Mornings are spent exploring the island again – a walk in 100 Acres (above) where we were this year very impressed with the new walkway out to Rocky Point. Down to Bumboras to watch the waves crashing onto the beach, this now also made easy by the recent addition of a walkway. Crystal Pool never ceases to amaze and for those who are very fit and able a walk down to Anson’s Bay is a must.
Tired and happy after an afternoon in the sun and water we head back to our accommodation for a shower and freshen up and most nights comes the big decision on where to eat. The island has many first class eateries so the decision can be difficult some evenings. The restaurants are manned by local residents who always make your visit seem special – we find it sad when we return some years to find that some of these fine dining areas have had to close their doors for various reasons. This year it was indeed sad to note the closure of Branka House after so many years of great dining in such a unique setting – but along with everyone else who has loved the restaurant we wish Mudgi and Peter all the best in their retirement.
If like me you have an interest in early Australian history there is a lot to see and “feel” among the convict ruins in Kingston (right) and who would not be touched by the early part of the cemetery where so many young people finished their young lives. As cemeteries go it has a special feel with it, surrounded by sea and the green hills of Norfolk.
This year the island was certainly a buzz with the visit of two P & O cruise ships to their shores. We were able to witness the arrival of the Sun Princess of April 13 and saw the delight and joy of the 1500 passengers who disembarked at Kingston. What a great effort the island made to make these people feel welcome, from dancing girls on the shore to free buses up into the village and lots of tours available for those wanting to explore. Many hired cars and did their own touring and I was amused by the hundreds of “Lego” bags that were going back to the ship.
It only takes a few days back in “the real world” to appreciate the lifestyle that the people of Norfolk have the privilege of enjoying. We appreciate that life is not always simple and that they are experiencing some hard times financially at present but every effort must be made to ensure that life as they know it continues and that their young people appreciate just what it is that is so unique about their island.
We can all live without the hassles of urban living, the stress of a simple shopping trip to the city and the endless commuting between venues.
I guess all this adds up to why we will be back in 2011 for our annual “fix” of life on Norfolk. Who would have thought on that first trip in 1975 that we would make it an annual event!!
(Kaye Cummings)
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