Tuesday, March 16, 2010

IPT visits again

Each year in March BAUNTI hosts a visit of eco-tourists lead by one of Australia's best tour guides, Barry Davies.  He has twice won the eco tour guide of the year award from ecoTourism Australia. 

Barry and his 14 followers were here from March 6 to March 14 2010, and we enjoyed having them.

We enjoyed:
  • Immersing the group into our history and culture.  They learnt of the social histories of our past convict and Pitcairn settlements, and our local cooking, arts and crafts, music and language.
  • Teaching them a little about the island's unique and fragile eco-systems, and how some who live here seek a sustainable future for themselves, and for Norfolk.
  • Introducing them to our marine world.
  • Giving them the opportunity to enjoy our local food.
It was a wonderful time and a delight to catch up with Barry again.

1 comment:


Thank you all for being such wonderful hosts yet again. As with previous years the universal comment from our guests is they enjoyed the special relationship that we have with you and this made the tour particularly enjoyable.

An interesting comment was made by Bob and Lyn. Friends had said to them that a week was far too long to spend on Norfolk and that they couldn't possible keep busy and interested for that long. After only a couple of days they said that a week was not long enough.

Thanks again for all your hospitality, friendship and tireless efforts.
