The relay was to raise money for cancer, and as of today over $12,500 had been raised by the Norfolk community. We sincerely thank all of those who supported the relay here.
Beginning at 3pm on the Saturday, over 40 Norfolk teams, cancer survivors (right) plus many individuals, did their hour and more of walking for the cause. BAUNTI's Beauties in the BAUNTI support bus were there, and we were simply blown away by the willingness of the very young to the very old to play their part. The school oval was full of tents that provided shelter for the many who stayed onsite all night.
It was inspiring indeed to watch New Zealander Alex McKenzie complete an amazing endurance race of his own as part of the relay on Norfolk, running 200 kilometres in four minutes short of 30 hours. We were there at 4am on Sunday morning and Alex was really struggling. But with the help of his team of supporters, and encouragement from those walking, he worked through the pain to astound all of us with what one individual can achieve. We were also inspired by Liam Kiernan, a young Norfolk Island cadet, who walked for 16 hours. It was humbling indeed to be a witness to their endeavours.
To all of the organisers - Sharni and her team - to all of the sponsors and those who donated to support the teams, and to the Norfolk community generally, this was a wonderful effort and one of the most worthwhile community events ever.
Early walkers in the relay
Alex (in the yellow) and supporters